Frequently Asked Question

Where can I download free 3D models?

There are many websites where you can download free 3D models, but please always check the terms and conditions before downloading any files. 

Here are a few popular websites:

How to calibrate the PID Tuning of MANU 3D Printer?

Step 2: Run the command below from your web control

Please note: The hot end (nozzle package) temperature must be at room temperature (e.g., below 30°C) before running this command.

M303 H1 S235

For detailed instructions, please refer to the following link:


Step 3. save the new PID value


This command will save the new PID value.

How to calibrate the PID Tuning of Chocolate 3D Printer?

Step 2: Run the command below from your web control

Please note: The hot end (nozzle package) temperature must be at room temperature (e.g., below 30°C) before running this command.

M303 H1 S40

For detailed instructions, please refer to the following link:


Step 3. save the new PID value


This command will save the new PID value.